Does the world really need another legal blog?
I know. The blogosphere is already a pretty crowded place, and I thought long and hard about whether I need to throw my two cents in.
My goal for this personal blog is, plain and simple, to engage in thoughtful discussion about current legal issues in a way that will be informative and interesting for non-lawyers and lawyers alike -- hence the name of the blog. I will share my opinions and appreciation for the law and its historical underpinnings. No legal experience is required and this will not be a law school class. The plan is to engender discussion enjoyable to all who partake. I welcome your comments. (You can do so anonymously.)
You can subscribe by email by typing your email address into the box under "Follow By Email" and clicking on the "Subscribe" button. You can subscribe to the feed by clicking on the choices under "Subscribe To" and selecting one of the drop down options. Both subscription options are on the right hand side of the blog.
I hope you enjoy the conversation, and hope you will join in as well.